


Address by Nelson Mandela at an African National Congress (ANC) rally in Nokweja, Ixopo

24 May 1997

Friends and Comrades;

Ngiyathokoza ukuba laphe kwaNokweja. Lendawo njengezinye iaindawo lapha KwaZulu-Natal, ike yaba nokuchitheka kwegazi kwaphela abantu. Kodwa nina mphakathi wase Xobho namaphethelo seninikeze uMzansi Afrika wonkana ithemba elikoulu ngomoya wokuthula osukhona kulendawo.

Manje, uma sikhuluma ngesifunda sonke saseXhobho, sikhuluma ngendawo enekusasa eliqhakazile. Sikhuluma ngabantu abazimisele ngokuthula, nabazimisele ngokuthuthukisa indawo abaphila kuyo.

It is a great joy to be with you in Ixopo, because you have changed it from a symbol of bloodshed and death into a beacon of hope. Today when we talk of Ixopo, we no longer speak of violence but of opportunities and the great strides you are taking to develop the area and uplift yourselves.

You have shown how even the greatest problems can be overcome when people join hands and work together for common goals. It is most encouraging to see how traditional forms of leadership and democracy are interacting here for the benefit of the community as a whole.

Ngiykahuleka, ngibonga amakhosi akhona, ngenxa yokuba nomqondo ojulile noqonda kabanzi ngentando yeningi. Kuyintokozo enkulu kimi ukunthi abantu talapha kwaNokweja, (eDonnybrook, eSpringvalley, eHlokazi neXhobho namaphethelo alo), bakhethe ukuba kube nguKhongolose ohola izinhlelo zentuthuko nenguquko. Bheka nje ukuthi ukuxhumana phakathi kwenqubo yombuso wendabuka kanye nemigomo yeningi yiyona eyenza kube nenzuzo ekuthuthukiseni umphakathi.

Lokhu ke kusinika ugqozi, ngoba kwezinye izindawo awukho umaoya omuhle wokuzwana. Kunezindawo lapho abaholi bendabuko bescbenzisa izikhundla zabo ukulimaza imizamo yokudala uxolo nentuthuko, babeke imigomo yokukhubaza intando yeningi.

The role of traditional leaders is to lead the people in changing their lives for the better, and to guide our communities in peace and democracy. That is why this area is an example for the country.

The ANC has made a commitment to traditional leaders, that it will assure their constructive role in this new democratic order. At the same time, the ANC has also said clearly that under no circumstances can we allow a situation where traditional leaders, or any other forces, hold back the processes of change.

Amongst other things this means that there can never be no-go areas for any citizen of this country, whatever their party or political affiliation.

The freedom for which we fought for so many years was for free political activity and freedom of movement in every inch of this land. South Africa is no longer fragmented into bantustans. It is a unified nation.

Sihlangene manje siyiSizwe esisodwa - siyiZwe elilodwa.

Lokho kusho ukuthi, nina, abantu balapha eNingizimu yeAfrika, niyizakhamuzi kuwowonke amagumbi alelizwe. Imizamo yokusebenzisa izingxabano, nodlame ukusabisa abantu abahlala noma abazokhankasela amaqembu abo ayisoze yemukeleka.

Lesisifunda sike saba nomlando omuncu wodlame phakathi kweIFP ne ANC. Kodwa kamuva nje sekuyindawo enoxolo, nokuthula - sekumnandi nokuhlala khona.

Kunginika ithemba elikhulu ukubona ukuthi udlame selixoshiwe kulezigodi ezakhele iXhobho namaphethelo. Ngako-ke senenze isimo esizokhuthaza intuthuko nenqubela phambili ezoqeda ukusweleka kwemisebenzi kulendawo.

Recently the ANC and IFP have had talks about a new comprehensive peace initiative. I sincerely support the sentiments behind this initiative, and I salute the provincial leaders of both parties for these efforts.

We must also commend members of the security forces who have worked for the safety and security of our communities.

Unfortunately there are elements, including within the security forces, who are working with the forces opposed to democracy and change. They are undermining the peace efforts.

Anyone who continues to plan or carry out violence cannot claim to be a genuine member of the SAPS. Anyone in uniform who violates the constitution is a traitor to the police and the nation's efforts to bring about peace and reconciliation. In the same vein, anyone who promotes violence cannot claim to be a member of either the ANC or IFP.

To them, including those responsible for the murder of Comrade Rodney van der Byl in Richmond, we say that they will feel the full force of the law. Whether they are rogue elements in the security forces or others, the law will catch up with them and anyone who tries to protect them.

There can be no compromise on this. For without peace there can be no development, no growth, no new jobs, no progress towards a better life for all.

Throughout the country the lives of communities have already begun to change for the better. The changes may not be reaching everywhere at the same peace, but the foundation has been laid.

It is encouraging to learn of the developments that have started here in Nokweja, the building of a clinic, the laying of roads and plans for a scheme to bring clean water closer.

It is important that such progress is matched in this area in the field of education. Education is the key to a brighter future, and we must ensure that our children have the opportunities to enrich their lives and their communities through access to learning.


Ngizwa nginenjabulo enkulu ngoba ngisemhlanganweni osendaweni yabantu esemakhaya ngoba abantu bakithi banesandla ezithokomele nezinhliziyo ezimhlophe. Ngifikelwa undlandla nogqozi ukubona ukuzimisela kwenu, nethemba lekusasa elikhanyayo phezu kwengcindezelo engaka yeminyakanyaka esiphuma kuyo.

Impumelelo yokwakha kabusha izwe lethu isekutheni kwakheka izimboni kutholakale imisebenzi, emakhaya nasezabelweni, ukuze sikwazi ukuya phambili.

Muzi waseXhobho namaphethelo, ningukukhanya, futhi niyisibonelo kithi sonke eMzansi Afrika.

Isiseko sempilo engcono sesibekiwe! Phambili nentuthuko! Phambili!

Source: South African Government Information Website
